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Vlog: Exploring Ontario, and Why I Love Being a Christian

Why I love being a Christian

We’ve just come through this long and deep cold snap. We’ve just gotten over this spell where it’s been -25, -30 degrees, absolutely freezing. It’s finally warmed up a little. And I’ve decided I’ve got to get out of the office. I’m here at one of my favorite spots at Waterdown, Ontario just to explore. And while I’m at it, I’ve been thinking, I love being a Christian. I am so thankful to be a follower of Jesus Christ. So maybe I’ll tell you a little bit about that as we go. Why don’t you come with me? We’ll explore and see what’s happening.


We’ve just come through this long and deep cold snap. We’ve just gotten over this spell where it’s been -25, -30 degrees, absolutely freezing. It’s finally warmed up a little. You can see it’s actually raining, drizzling a little bit. And I’ve decided I’ve got to get out of the office for a little bit. I’m here at one of my favorite spots at Waterdown, Ontario just to explore a little bit. And while I’m at it, I’ve been thinking, I love being a Christian. I am so thankful to be a follower of Jesus Christ. So maybe I’ll tell you a little bit about that as we go. Why don’t you come with me? We’ll explore a little bit and see what’s happening.

The first thing is forgiveness. I know I’m forgiven. Now look, I grew up a good kid in a good Christian home, but still, I sinned. I know that I sinned. And this wasn’t just offenses against myself, or against my parents, against my family. I know, just as you do, these offenses are against God. I’ve sinned against God, the creator of heaven and earth. And yet I know, through what Jesus Christ has accomplished, my sins, even my sins have been forgiven. I get to live in the joy of being forgiven.

The second thing is freedom. A lot of people think Christianity is just some system that’s meant to repress you, that’s meant to hold you back from all those things you want to do. It’s far better, it’s far greater than that. In truth, God’s law is meant to set us free. How does it set us free? Because it gives us the restrictions within which we live the best lives. God is the one who made us. And so God gives us His boundaries. He puts us within boundaries. If we live within those, that’s where we find true freedom. So, as a Christian, I am now set free to live in the way God designed me to live and to find, that is the place where there is the truest and the highest joy.

The third one is fellowship. I love that as a Christian, I’m not just on my own, living this Christian life. It’s way too hard for that. Instead, God has put us into community. True Christian fellowship in what we know as the local church. And beyond that, the church universal, all the Christians of all time and all places across the earth today. As a Christian, I’m not living on my own, I’m part of this amazing fellowship of other believers. All of us, united together in Jesus Christ, serving the same savior. It is a joyful thing to be part of such an incredible body, the body of Christ.

And finally, there’s a future. As a Christian, I know I have a glorious future awaiting me. This world isn’t the end. My death is not the end. I’m part of something that will go on forever and ever. I’ll be together forever with Jesus Christ. As a Christian, I’ve got the most glorious future possible.

And with that, I’m heading in. We’re somewhere here between winter and summer, between rain and snow, I’m heading in.

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