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Visual Theology @ T4G

As you know, my book Visual Theology: Seeing and Understanding the Truth About God is set for an April release. The release date matches up with the Together for the Gospel conference and for that reason Zondervan has decided to host a Visual Theology event. If you are coming to T4G, you are invited to attend! Josh Byers and I will be discussing the book and offering suggestions for how pastors, teachers, and leaders can make use of visual theology. And just to sweeten things a little, there will also be desserts and giveaways—something to eat and something to take home for everyone.

This little event falls during an open time in the conference schedule so you can grab lunch, come to it, and still make it to the breakout sessions that follow.

Interested? All you need to do is register. It’s completely free, of course. Space is limited and there is going to be free dessert, so you probably shouldn’t dawdle…


  • Location: The Galt House Hotel, Carroll Ford room (second floor)
  • Date: Wednesday, April 13
  • Time: 1:30 – 2:15 PM
  • Registration: Register here

Visual Theology

Visual Theology is currently available for pre-order. If you pre-order it today, you can send us a photo of your receipt and we’ll send you some free gifts. You can get information right here.

Also, be sure to check out our new print Putting Off Putting On. At the store you will find posters, t-shirts, and more.

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