Though the name Visual Theology may be new, the idea is not. In fact, all the way back in the seventeenth century John Bunyan produced an incredible work of visual theology titled “A Map Shewing the Order and Causes of Salvation and Damnation.” In a pair of side-by-side timelines he traced the salvation of the believer (or the elect) and the damnation of the unbeliever (or the reprobate). This chart has since been reproduced a number of times but, to my knowledge, has not been updated from its original antiquated language and dated visual style. I recently began work on an update, attempting to keep the original flavor as much as possible while still making it read well in the twenty-first century. My Visual Theology co-author Josh then got to work illustrating it. Together, we’ve created a new Visual Theology infographic we think you are going to enjoy.
Let me start you with a hint: Begin on the left side and read through circles one to 25 as a big, long sentence. When that’s complete, do the same for the other side. Finally, go back to read the verses and additional information. I think you will find, as I did, that the first sentence is terrible and chilling while the second is beautiful and encouraging. Whatever you do, linger. Bunyan has a lot to teach us through this infographic.
You are free to download this graphic, send it to others, or print it on your own in smaller formats. If you’d like to print it poster-sized, see below.
Click on the graphic to see it bigger.
“The Order and Causes of Salvation and Damnation” is now for sale at our Visual Theology store. You can purchase beautiful, printed versions of it or, if you prefer, download high-resolution digital files to display on screens or to print on your own.