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Explore sanctification

  • Only the Christian Faith Begins At the Top

    Only the Christian Faith Begins At the Top

    Though few tools are simpler than a plumb line, few are more effective at their task. A plumb line is simply a pointed weight—a plumb bob, or plummet, if you prefer—that has been suspended from a cord. The bob dangles from the cord and, through the consistent downward pull of gravity, establishes a vertical reference.…

  • My Great Daily Challenge As a Christian

    My Great Daily Challenge As a Christian

    The great daily challenge I face in Christian living is not a challenge of knowledge—I know what I need to know in order to live in a way that pleases God. It is not a challenge of discernment—there is rarely any great difficulty in distinguishing truth from error and right from wrong. It is not…

  • Maintaining Confidence in the Process

    Maintaining Confidence in the Process

    We are people in a hurry. We live fast-paced lives in a fast-paced culture. We can never go quick enough to keep up, never do enough to complete every task, never accomplish enough to satisfy ourselves or others. But still we try, still we hurry on. Yet the Christian life has a way of challenging…

  • miracle

    Four Categories to “Act the Miracle”

    So much of the Christian life comes down to the matter of identity. At heart, who are we? Who or what has the right to define us? What is our deepest identity? Identity is at the core of many issues, not the least of which is same-sex attraction. In her book Gay Girl, Good God,…

  • Young People: Set an Example

    Young Christian: Set an Example

    It has never been easy to be a Christian. It has never been easy to be a young Christian. How are young Christians to live differently in their speech and conduct? How can they strive to live godly lives? Here’s my attempt to answer those questions. Transcript The young adult years can be spent chasing…

  • The 10 Duties of Every Christian

    The 10 Duties of Every Christian

    The Christian life is one of obedience. It is what one author has brilliantly described as “a long obedience in the same direction.” Those who have turned to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith prove the authenticity of their conversion by their obedience. No sooner have they made their profession than they begin to willingly…

  • Two Gifts You Give To Others in Your Sanctification

    Two Gifts You Give To Others in Your Sanctification

    It’s a drum I beat again and again: Your sanctification is a gift to others. Your continual growth in holiness is not something you emphasize merely for your own benefit or your own assurance, but something you pursue for the benefit of others. This message cuts hard against the individualism of western society, so is…

  • Consider Your Legacy

    Consider Your Legacy

    There is something almost absurd about inheritances in a world of financial abundance and increased lifespans. The Baby Boomer generation has worked hard and saved diligently, stuffing away untold billions in savings and retirement accounts, with the hope of leaving their children in a comfortable financial position. Meanwhile, in the West, lifespans are increasing, and…

  • Wanting It Enough

    Wanting It Enough

    I want to have 10 percent body fat. I set that goal a while ago and even managed to get really close to reaching it. But eventually I found out that I want to have 10 percent body fat just a bit less than I want to have 13 percent. There’s a key difference between…

  • The Five Key Factors in Every Christians Sanctification

    The Five Key Factors in Every Christian’s Sanctification

    Growth in Christlikeness is a lifelong, active progression. We are holier on the day we die than we were on the day we came to Christ. We are holier on the day we die than we are on the day before we die. Yet this long progression is peppered with seasonal lulls, drudgery, and complacency.…

  • The Damning Devastation of a Single Coddled Sin

    The Damning Devastation of a Single Coddled Sin

    We can never be ambivalent. We who are Christians have no right to allow any sin to persist. We must go hard after every sin and to pursue each one until it has been completely crushed, for even one sin left alone is enough to do terrible damage to our souls. A recent study of…

  • Angered At and Angry With

    Angered At and Angry With

    It’s the time of year when my Bible-reading plan takes me through the book of Proverbs. There’s something almost absurd about reading this book at a pace of three chapters per day. That’s like quickly crunching through a whole bag of peppermints rather than slowly savoring each one. Yet reading the proverbs in great swaths…

  • The Joy of Walking with God

    The Joy of Walking with God

    Christians enjoy the inestimable privilege of walking with God. As we proceed through life, we do so in fellowship with the Creator and Sustainer of all that is. We enjoy a relationship of true familiarity and intimacy. God pleads with us to tell him our cares and to make known to him our concerns, and…

  • How To Identify Your Pet Sin

    Every Christian can think of a sin he has identified and attacked with all the brutality he can muster. One of the great joys of the Christian life is seeing God be true to his Word as he motivates and empowers us to wage war against indwelling sin. Yet every one of us probably also…

  • How Does Sanctification Work

    How Does Sanctification Work?

    Some great books hit your life like a sledgehammer. They wreck your preconceptions and disrupt what you were sure you knew. We need these books from time to time. Other books come like a cool drink of water on a hot afternoon. They reaffirm what you thought you knew, and shore up your pre-existing convictions.…

  • The Peril of Success

    The Peril of Success

    Few of us meet with the success we hope for. We embark on new projects, our minds filled with grandiose dreams, but then have to content ourselves with far less than we had longed for. We set out to conquer the world but find the world doesn’t always go along with our plans. Fantasy and…

  • Maintain Your Vigilance

    Maintain Your Vigilance

    We all love to watch the occasional fail video, don’t we? What started years ago on primetime television has migrated to YouTube and become one of our beloved pastimes. Some of my favorites are “finish line fails,” compilations of athletes celebrating just a bit too soon. In one of these finish line fails, an Olympic…

  • Renew Your Mind

    Renew Your Mind

    There are many places in the Bible where God presents a stark contrast between two options, then urges the reader to make his choice. He gave his law to ancient Israel, then said, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19). In the Sermon on the Mount,…

  • Run to Win

    Embrace Your Purpose

    At this very moment, you are running a race. You are running a race even if you are sitting on the bus reading these words on your phone, even if you are reading this to take a break from the drudgery of your work. Everywhere and at all times you are running the race of…