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  • Articles Collection cover image

    Halloween – Trick or Retreat?

    Will you participate in Halloween this year? Halloween is once again nearly upon us. Articles about the occasion are beginning to make their way into my RSS reader and I thought I’d keep up with one of this site’s few traditions and write an article on the subject. My thoughts on the subject continue to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/24)

    Wednesday October 24, 2007 Do You Heart Huckabee?My friend Jesse does, and he’s started a site to keep up with everything Huckabee. California Fire PrayerLydia shares an urgent prayer request from Elyse Fitzpatrick. “She and her family are smack in the middle of the Santa Ana fire zone. Lives and homes are at stake.” More…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/22)

    Monday October 22, 2007 The Better HourFrom Alex Chediak comes news of an interesting (and potentially lucrative) contest for high schoolers. Willow Creek Repents–Kind ofPhil Johnson has some interesting things to say on the unfolding Willow Creek “repentance.” When She NodsDr. Mohler points to an article that shares some helpful advice about communication with the…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Being Cast as Predators

    Avoiding Kids: How Men Cope With Being Cast as Predators Ted Wallis, a doctor in Austin, Texas, recently came upon a lost child in tears in a mall. His first instinct was to help, but he feared people might consider him a predator. He walked away. ‘Being male,’ he explains, ‘I am guilty until proven…

  • Quote – Dave Harvey on Jane Austen

    I am currently reading Dave Harvey’s new book, When Sinners Say “I Do”. The book is just excellent. I’ll provide a review of it shortly, but for now wanted to post a humorous little excerpt I enjoyed: I’m way too masculine to enjoy Jane Austen. Now, I realize that women usually read that as, “I’m…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/1)

    Wednesday March 1, 2007 Apologetics: James White examines James Cameron’s preface to “The Jesus Family Tomb.” Cameron says things like “At Christmas we celebrate the birth of a man who called to the spark of goodness that exists within all of us, a man who gave the world hope two thousand years ago.” Theology: Phil…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/30)

    Thursday November 30, 2006 Church: Benny really needs your help buying him a new jet. Perhaps you should consider skipping Christmas this year to help him out. He is asking for an initial $6 million to help cover the down payment. Television: Here is a new series you’ll all want to watch. “One Punk Under…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review: Flags of our Fathers

    War is terrible. It’s an understatement, I know, and something that is almost too obvious to bother saying. Yet the horrors of war can only really be understood, it seems, by those who have been involved in them. In the annals of warfare, few battles have been more brutal than the battle of Iwo Jima.…

  • Enslaved

    Through the past week or so my wife and I have been working our way through the Extended Editions of the three The Lord of the Rings movies. I had seen Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers many times in the past, but had not yet had opportunity to watch the Extended Edition…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (06/12)

    Monday June 12, 2006 Terror: Jonah Goldberg, writing for “National Review Online” blasts Canada (quite fairly, I thought) in an article called “The Price of Nice: Canada Learns.” Read it here. Film: Pixar/Disney’s latest film “Cars” has been released (to rather flat reviews). Apple has posted the trailer for the next Pixar film, “Ratatouille” which…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/14)

    Tuesday February 14, 2006 Theology: John Divito has finished a series on “Free Grace or Lordship Salvation?” You can find the series index here. Politics: Dennis Swanson (who is in the enviable position of being Librarian at The Master’s Seminary), is writing a series on the Evangelical Climate Initiative. You can read it here. Celebrities:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/03)

    Friday February 3, 2006 Giveaway: Monergismbooks is giving away a Premium ESV Calfskin Bible. That’s calfskin – they killed baby cows to make this Bible, and it can be yours! Film: The success of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe has paved the way for a second Narnia film. “The second film will find…

  • Saturday Ramblings (and Various Requests for Help)

    Here is another one of these rambling articles that allows me to cover a wide range of territory in one fell swoop. Incidentally, the phrase “one fell swoop” seems to have originated with Shakespeare in his play Macbeth. Macduff, having just heard of the murder of his family, says: All my pretty ones?Did you say…

  • Desiring God Conference – Session Seven

    At lunch time today Doug and I had lunch with Adam (aka Ochuk) who lives nearby. It was great to eat with him (and witness Adam eating his first-ever Big Mac). Ochuk is every bit as well-read and intelligent as one would assume from reading his web site. At dinner we ate with Jack, a…

  • A Quick and Captivating Contest – Wrapup

    On Monday I announced “A Quick and Captivating Contest.” This was a short and silly contest to see who could correctly guess the number of movies mentioned in John and Stasi Eldredge’s new book Captivating. Eldredge’s love for movies and his reliance on them as a teaching tool is well-documented and is a critique often…

  • Are…You…Ready, Ready, READY?!?

    I was doing my morning rounds of the Internet and came across an article at, a site run by Rick Warren as a resource to, you guessed it, pastors (He seems to resource them by strongarming them into purchasing endless amounts of his sermons, his books and so on). The article is part of…