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Explore purity

  • Pure

    The Bible’s Plan for Sexuality Isn’t Outdated, Irrelevant, or Oppressive

    Do you remember the purity movement? Or perhaps it’s better to ask this: How could you possibly forget the purity movement? Though in many ways its aims were noble—sexual purity among teens and young adults—its methods were more than a little suspect and, in the long run, often even harmful. It framed sexual purity as…

  • Hitmen and Porn Watchers

    What Do Hitmen and Porn Watchers Have in Common?

    You don’t have to be the one who pulls the trigger to be charged with the murder. Rather, anyone involved in the commissioning, planning, or execution of a crime can suffer its penalties. The person who hires a hitman will face a murder charge as surely the hitman himself. The driver of the getaway car,…

  • Biblical Building Blocks for Sexual Purity

    Biblical Building-Blocks for Sexual Purity

    There was a time in my life when I would often be called upon to speak on the subject of sexual purity, especially to groups of men—a predictable consequence of writing a book titled Sexual Detox. But over time I grew a little weary of the topic and happily moved on. Recently, though, I was…

  • Sex on the Silver Screen: Reader Follow-up

    I recently wrote another entry in my ongoing series Sex on the Silver Screen (this one titled A Scenario to Consider). I laid out a scenario, asked some questions, and invited readers to submit a Letter to the Editor as a means of fostering dialog about the topic. As promised, here are some of the…

  • Sex on the Silver Screen

    Sex on the Silver Screen: A Scenario to Consider

    Over the past couple of years, I’ve written a number of articles under the heading “Sex on the Silver Screen.” In these articles I’ve been collecting my thoughts and expressing my concerns about an issue that I believe displays significant compromise among Christians today—our ambivalence toward watching scenes of explicit sexuality and nudity in movies…

  • Practical Advice in the Struggle for Purity

    Here is some counsel and a few practical tips on sexual purity. What are some ways young adults can pursue purity? What’s the role of accountability software? What are some recommended resources? Transcript What are some practical things young people can do to keep their ways pure? I guess, first, you’re committing to the Christian…

  • 8 Things Contentment Opposes

    Jeremiah Burrough’s The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment is one of the most important and personally-impactful Puritan works I’ve ever read. Let me give you just a taste of what Burroughs has to say about contentment. Here he shares eight things that will be opposed by a true, biblical contentment. Now Christian quietness is opposed…

  • Stuff and Contentment

    This topic has been much on my mind lately–possessions, stuff and contentment. Not too long ago I found a prayer by Scotty Smith that did a great job of asking God for contentment admist all the stuff we do have and amidst all the stuff we could have. He looks to these two Scripture passages:…

  • 99.99%

    Canada’s Bank of Nova Scotia has to be one of the few banks in the world that allows you to order gold bullion online. Visit their web site, punch in your order along with your credit card information, and a couple days later FedEx will deliver your gold to the door, all sealed up in…

  • Articles Collection cover image


    Canada’s Bank of Nova Scotia must be one of the few banks in the world that allows you to order gold bullion online. Visit their web site, punch in your order along with your credit card information, and a couple days later FedEx will deliver your gold to the door, all sealed up in a…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Means to the End

    Not too long ago my youngest sister began dating a guy who seems to have made her all twitterpated. Shortly after she started seeing him, she drove up to Canada to spend a few days with my family. I took the opportunity to try to impart some big-brotherly wisdom to her. I told her that…