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  • Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

    Free Stuff Fridays

    This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by our good friends at Ligonier Ministries. With Reformation Day fast approaching (the anniversary of the day Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the front door of the Castle Church in Whittenberg) they are offering a $95 dollar gift certificate to But they’re offering much more…

  • Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

    Free Stuff Fridays

    This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Ligonier Ministries and it just happens to coincide with their National Conference which you can watch live online. Ligonier is offering 5 prize packages (which means that there will be 5 winners). Here are the packages: Needless to say, this is an amazing giveaway, so don’t dawdle!…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/23)

    A few people have asked about updates to Friends of the Blog. I’ve got good news. On September 1 there will be some great new items for the taking, including a $15 gift certificate from Westminster Books along with a new book from DayOne. So be sure to check in on September 1. Reformed and…

  • Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

    Free Stuff Fridays

    It’s Friday today, which means I need to try to not react with surprise that yet another week has drawn to an end. I’m not even going to mention it! This week’s Free Stuff Fridays sponsor is Ligonier Ministries, a sponsor you know well by now. Ligonier is offering one really, really impressive grand prize…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/1)

    Toronto the Good – Here is an article describing how Toronto got its nickname, Toronto the Good. It all began with a Christian and a spiritual revival. Kindle on Sale – Woot is somehow offering a one-day sale on the Kindle with the price all the way down at $149. This is by the far…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/23)

    Ligonier Valley Study Center – This article discusses the early years of Ligonier Ministries (or The Ligonier Valley Study Center as it was known at its beginning). It’s always amazing to see what God can do with such small beginnings. Learning to Lead – Melissa shares a heartfelt video from Matt Hammitt of the band…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (5/14)

    $5 Fridays – Ligonier Ministries is now running weekly sales they’re calling $5 Fridays. They’ve got some good deals for you this week. Mobile Money – This is an interesting article about Africa being the worldwide leader in mobile currency. “People in Africa who have never used an ATM card, banked online or even had…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/2)

    Ligonier Ministries National Conference – Forgive me if I’ve linked this before. This year’s Ligonier Ministries National Conference looks to be a good one. It deals with Tough Questions Christians Face and will feature R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, Michael Horton, Steve Lawson, Al Mohler and more. Also, there will be a pre-conference called Bits, Bytes,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/12)

    Ligonier National Conference Live Webcast“The biggest event of the year for Ligonier Ministries is just around the corner. We are excited to once again be able to offer a free, live webcast of the conference, available in both English and Spanish. See below for details.” This conference has a fantastic lineup of speakers… Messiahs Pointing…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/21)

    Expelled on DVDToday Ben Stein’s Expelled releases on DVD. Jurassic Trailer ParkJurassic Trailer Park is the strange name of a good article (and/or photo essay) by Michael Yon. He writes about just one little experience in Afghanistan. ServiceWhile on the subject of photo essays, here is a great one from the New Yorker. Pastors Conference…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/18)

    Wednesday June 18, 2008 Top Five CommentariesKeith Mathison at the Ligonier blog is posting his top five commentary recommendations on a variety of books of the Bible. Taking The Shack to the ShedCT’s “Out of Ur” blog discusses some of the reactions to The Shack. Thinking BiblicallyJohn MacArthur has a good and short article on…

  • Ligonier Conference – Over Already?

    My conference has come to a bit of an early end. Because there are so many Canadians heading home from Florida this week, we were not able to find me a flight that left after the conference. Instead I’m having to duck out a few hours before it all wraps up. I’ll be heading home…

  • Ligonier Conference (I)

    Well, I made it. It is good to feel a hot sun for the first time in many months! It was an early start this morning—the alarm rang at 2:44 AM and I was out the door just a very short time after that. After having some very bad flights in the past few months,…

  • It’s a Travel Day

    The Ligonier Ministries 2008 National Conference kicks off later today and I’m on my way to Orlando to take it all in. Unfortunately I waited a little too late to book my flight, so I would up with a flight that necessitates leaving my home at 3:15 AM (just imagine when that means I need…

  • The Great October Giveaway

    Forty-one books to the winner… Last month’s Great September Giveaway was a great success with three readers taking home some excellent prizes. Of course I extend my sympathies to the multitudes who didn’t win; I can identify with your disappointment since I don’t think I’ve ever won anything in my life! But I am confident…

  • Articles Collection cover image


    “Mary.” Of all the sentences in the Bible, this is one of my favorites. Mary Magdalene has come to Jesus’ tomb and is distressed to see that his body is gone. Convinced that someone has taken away His body, she stands outside the tomb weeping. Two angels appear and ask simply “Woman, why are you…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Giveaway – Ligonier Conference

    The 2007 conference season is fast approaching. If you are looking for just one conference to attend this year, you probably will not do any better than the Ligonier Ministries National Conference in Orlando, Florida. Contending for the Truth will be held from March 15-17 and will feature addresses by John MacArthur, Al Mohler, John…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    More Ligonier News

    It looks like the whole mess at Ligonier may (thankfully!) be drawing to a close. This afternoon two statements were posted to Ligonier’s web site. The first was from Ligonier’s Senior Management and the second from CEO Tim Dick. Since I have posted on this matter in the past, I may as well carry on…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Evangelical Hypocrisy

    Christians are anticipating The Da Vinci Code movie with a mix of expectation and dread. The expectation is based on knowing that Jesus’ name will be, at least for a short time, on many tongues. This may create opportunities to discuss Him with friends, family neighbors and co-workers. The dread is based on the knowledge…