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Explore John 3:16 Conference

  • John 3:16 Conference: Question and Answer

    Guest blog by Andrew Lindsey Congregational singing: “I Love to Tell the Story” The speaker from each of the five points was on the panel. Dr. Patterson had to leave so that his alternate, Dr. Malcolm Yarnell took his place for Total depravity.Dr. Vines announced that he would like to have at least one Calvinist…

  • John 3:16 Conference Registration: Schedule, Vendors, and Books

    Thanks to Tim Challies for the opportunity to report on the John 3:16 Conference for I registered for the John 3:16 Conference at First Baptist Church Woodstock, GA (FBCW) about 45 minutes ago and have been looking for an Internet connection since then. I do not know if I will have connectivity from the…

  • John 3:16 Conference

    Today marks the beginning of the John 3:16 Conference. Sponsored by Jerry Vines Ministries, the conference allows some of the Southern Baptists Convention’s foremost pastors to respond to the growing presence of Calvinistic theology in the Convention. “Did Jesus die on the cross for every person? Are believers eternally secure? Can grace be resisted? These…