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Explore death

  • Articles Collection cover image

    He Who Frames The Terms Of The Debate…

    I recently read David Kupelian’s The Marketing of Evil, a book which disusses how so many of the social ills we see in our society have not merely happened, but have been actively marketed and promoted by men and women with specific, unbiblical agendas (you can read my review of this book here). One pearl…

  • I Just Don’t Want To Get Over It

    How does a man say goodbye to his little girls, knowing that he will never see them again? And how does he do so without letting them know that this is the last time they will see their daddy? Does he look them straight in the eyes and affirm his undying love for them, or…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    What Happens To Children When They Die? (Part 2)

    If you read this site on a regular basis, you’ll know I have been doing some research on the topic of what happens to children who die before they can hear or accept the gospel. I first wrote about this here. This is an issue almost every Christian faces at some point during his pilgrimage…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    What Happens To Children When They Die?

    For reasons I cannot quite ascertain (though I am hoping they are not prophetic), I have been thinking a lot lately about the issue of whether children who die in infancy are automatically ushered into heaven. In other words, what happens to children when they die? I have heard various answers to this question, and…

  • March For Women’s Lives

    Bunnie Diehl has a great collection of photographs from the March For Women’s Lives held this past weekend (scroll down a couple of screens). Isn’t feminism a wonderful thing? Feminism has given women the right to destroy the lives of their children and it seems society is now consumed with the bloodlust of abortion. Sickening!