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Truth & Life Conference Live Stream

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2013 Truth and Life Conference: The Word of God

The theme of the 2013 Truth & Life Conference at The Master’s College is The Word of God. The conference explores the authority and sufficiency of the inerrant Word of God. Participants will learn more about how God’s Word guides and transforms the individual believer as well as the Church, for His glory. If you are in the Southern California area, we invite you to join us January 16-18 to hear from our president, Dr. John MacArthur and noted speakers Dr. Mark Dever and Dr. Sinclair Ferguson. Please join us via live streaming video at

For more than fifteen years, The Master’s College has welcomed alumni and guests from around the world to join our students, faculty, and staff on our campus for a time of strategic renewal and reflection from the Word of God at the Truth & Life Conference. This unique, three-day event brings in many of the most acclaimed preachers and teachers who hold high the exposition of the Scripture to encourage and challenge those in attendance to a deeper level of Christ-likeness.

Past conference themes have included Holiness; Proclaiming Christ: The True Gospel; and The Love of God with expositors such as Kevin DeYoung, Ligon Duncan, R. C. Sproul, D.A. Carson, Irwin Lutzer, Al Mohler, and Voddie Baucham. This year’s outstanding conference program reconfirms our commitment to proclaim biblical truth, which impacts all areas of life.

For detailed conference information, please visit our website at or you can find us through the College’s website at

Truth and Life

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