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This Week’s Sponsor: ESV Study Bible

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Celebrating One Year of the ESV Study Bible
By Geoff Dennis, Crossway Executive Vice President of Sales, Marketing, Media

On October 15th, 2008 Crossway launched the ESV Study Bible to help people understand the timeless truth of God’s powerful, compelling, and life-changing Word in a deeper way. And now, one year later, we rejoice and praise God as we see how the ESV Study Bible is reaching and equipping individuals, leaders, and churches here in the U.S. and abroad.

Over 250,000 ESV Study Bibles have gone from the Crossway warehouse into the hands of readers worldwide. We continue to hear stories of those who have been impacted by the ESV Study Bible, people from all over the world who are better equipped to love, teach, and live God’s word – from Hungary, South Africa, the Philippines, Sierra Leone, Liberia, the Ivory Coast and beyond.

It has also been a privilege to make God’s Word, along with all of the study notes, maps, and articles available on the web, mobile devices, and Kindle–allowing readers to conveniently access the Study Bible wherever they are. Watch for our soon-to-be released application for the iPhone, and a completely updated ESV Online website.

In keeping with the launch of the ESV translation in 2001 and the ESV Study Bible in 2008, Crossway has plans to release other, life-transforming editions of the ESV Bible that should have a worldwide impact on the Body of Christ. In the Fall of 2010 we are planning on releasing the ESV MacArthur Study Bible, with other significant editions under way, including a new iPhone application.

It is a tremendous joy and privilege to participate in the ministry of God’s holy word. May God bring a renewed love for His word, an ever-growing desire for sanctified living, and a greater commitment to the gospel – all for the glory of Christ!

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