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This Week’s Sponsor: Crossway

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Proclaiming the Gospel through Publishing: An Introduction and a Special Offer

My name is James Kinnard and I serve as the Director of Marketing at Crossway. I help organize our marketing and communication efforts. Crossway’s not-for-profit publishing ministry is fueled by a desire to proclaim the gospel through publishing and see God’s Word applied to every area of life. To that end we publish Christian books, the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible, and other gospel literature.

Our team approaches marketing simply as a path for introducing the church to these resources that, by God’ grace, strengthen minds and hearts for the work of the gospel around the world. Energized by the endless opportunities, we aim to do “the Lord’s work in the Lord’s way.”

If you’re familiar with Crossway, we want to hear your thoughts on how we’re doing and where we can improve to better serve you, your family, and your church, business, or school. As readers of Tim’s blog, we know your love for books and we’re anxious to get your input.

We invite you to interact with us via Facebook, Twitter, or at the Crossway Blog. Or, I’d love to message with you directly on Twitter @JamesKinnard.

Special Offer

9781433510465.jpgWe want to make you aware of an online special this week. As you may know, John Piper has written a five volume collection called “The Swans are Not Silent” in which he overviews great historical figures of the faith, giving voice to their stories. This week each volume is 35% off on (ends 10/12/2009).

The fifth book, published earlier this year, is titled Filling up the Afflictions of Christ. In this volume Piper shares his insights into the lives of William Tyndale, Adoniram Judson, and John Paton–three faithful ambassadors that endured great afflictions so that others could reap an eternity in heaven.

“Suffering”, says Piper, “is one essential means in the triumphant spread of the Good News among all the peoples of the world”. He goes on:

“I am saying more than the obvious fact that suffering is a result of faithful obedience in spreading the gospel. That is true. Jesus said suffering will result from this faithfulness. “You will be hated by all for my name’s sake” (Luke 21:17). “If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you” (John 15:20). I am saying that this suffering is part of God’s strategy for making known to the world who Christ is, how he loves, and how much he is worth.”

I commend this book to you. You’ll be inspired to live more radically for Christ as you look at what God did through the lives of Tyndale, Judson, and Paton. You’ll grapple with what Paul is saying in Colossians 1:24 where he writes, “I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church”. You’ll see how, as Piper claims, when we “suffer with him in the cause of missions, we display the way Christ loved the world and in our own sufferings extend his to the world”.

And you just might decide you should listen to Piper giving fresh voice to Augustine, Luther, and Calvin (Book 1); Bunyan, Cowper, and Brainerd (Book 2); Newton, Simeon, and Wilberforce (Book 3); and Athanasis, Owen, and Machen (Book 4).

The discount ends next Monday.

If it helps get you going, our friends at Desiring God have the full text of Filling Up the Afflictions of Christ available for free download. Check it out.

Note: This is a sponsored post. Learn about sponsored posts.

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