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The Perfect Christmas Gift For Your Pastor

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Being a pastor is not easy. It often doesn’t pay all that well, it’s emotionally taxing, and many times we fail to appreciate or even thank our pastors for their tireless work on our behalf.

So, What SHOULD You Give Your Pastor?

Obviously the best and most helpful thing that you can do for your pastor is to pray for him, but in a more “earthly” sense, what should you give him, especially with Christmas being right around the corner? Know it or not, your pastor is constantly learning, and when you help him learn MORE in LESS time with this resource, you will be giving the gift of knowledge…which will in-turn help him in his ministry!

Here’s How this Gift of Knowledge Works

Books At a Glance is a Christian book summary service. They take the newest and most significant books that Christian publishers, such as Crossway, Zondervan, IVP, B&H, Baker, etc. publish, and then every week take one or two of those books and condense them into a 7-10-page, chapter-by-chapter summary, so that you can learn the entire essence of the book in just the time it either takes you (or your pastor!) to read 7 – 10 pages…OR…read the AUDIO version of the summary. It’s really a HUGE time-saver!

Imagine How Your Pastor’s Knowledge Will Increase Exponentially! Fill out this form with your pastor’s name & email address (or just use your info and change it to his on Christmas!) to start getting the weekly book summaries!

Click HERE to Get a FREE Book Summary!

Most Books At a Glance users are pastors, teachers, students, or missionaries, and the consistent feedback we get from them is that this service does two things for you: 1) it helps you learn MORE in LESS time, and secondly, it really keeps you up to date with all the new books that keep coming out. As you know, it’s quite the undertaking to keep with all the new books that keep coming out! (Fill out this form to join, save time, and keep current with the newest in Christian publications!)

(This Article Explains the Difference Between a Book Summary and a Book Review)

Here’s What Your Pastor Will Experience:

As you’ll see, there are over a hundred book summaries in the archive, and what we’ll do is send your pastor a new summary or two every week, so that he can continue learning and continue to keep current with all the newest and best books coming out…in just a handful of minutes per week!

Audio Books?

In addition to written book summaries, you’ll also get full access to the professionally recorded audio book summaries as well! These are a word-for-word reading of exactly what you’d read on the website. Most people love this, because you’ll be able to listen to the book summaries while you’re working out, jogging, commuting, or otherwise just on-the-go. What a great time-saver!

The Big Time-Saver

Go to and register. If you think your pastor is frustrated that he can’t spend enough time reading and learning, then Books At a Glance will help him create the time he’s been missing. Keeping up with all the great new books being published is overwhelming, and Books At a Glance will help your pastor stay on top of things much better.

Go to to Give the Gift of Learning…Today!

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