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Quick Look: New From Moody

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Quick Look Quick Look posts are paid submissions offering only a brief overview of books or other resources. Vote in the poll below if you think any of these titles are worthy of a full-length book review!

Marriage Matters by Tony Evans

Marriage MattersMarriages today are deteriorating at such a high rate not because we no longer get along, but because we have lost sight of the purpose and prosperity of the marriage covenant. Marriage Matters examines the nature of this covenant, or agreement, we enter into on our wedding day. Tony Evans looks to the Scriptures to define what a covenant is, who makes it, and what the implications are. Chaos arises when we seek to do things our way–the need to align ourselves according to biblical standards of marriage is evident. As Evans explains in the opening pages, “Most people today view marriage as a means of looking for love, happiness and fulfillment. Make no mistake about it, those things are important. Those things are critical. They are just not the most critical.”

So why should you consider picking up this title?

  • It’s only a booklet (which would give you more time to read additional books!)
  • Evans is extremely engaging and offers great, relevant illustrations
  • We are heading into marriage season (June) when newly married couples need to read this message
  • Finally this book will help you explain clearly what marriage is… “Marriage is a covenantal union designed to strengthen the capability of each partner to carry out the plan of God in their lives” and why…Marriage Matters.

Humanitarian Jesus by Christian Buckley & Ryan Dobson

Humanitarian JesusWhat would Christ be doing if He was walking the earth today? Would He be running a foundation, pastoring a church, teaching at a seminary, working in political advocacy, or living amongst people — healing, touching, and feeding?

More importantly — why would He being doing it?

In Humanitarian Jesus, Christian Buckley and Ryan Dobson challenges Christians to think about the role of humanitarian works in the Christian life and to consider what it means and look like to be God’s ministers’ of reconciliation and to share God’s message of salvation.

A thorough review of this subject matter will inform how you should live out your walk as a disciple of Christ in today’s humanitarian-charged society.

Voices of the True Woman Movement by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

True WomanIn October 2008, over 6000 gathered for the first True Woman conference to hear God’s Word and to affirm His mission and purpose for their lives. Voices of the True Woman Movement is a collection of messages from John Piper, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Mary Kassian, Joni Eareckson Tada, Janet Parshall, Karen Lorritts, and Fern Nichols initially heard at this conference. Also included is a robust section called Going Deeper: A Guide for Personal Reflection and Small Group Discussion divided into nine sessions enabling further study and application of the biblical way of thinking about womanhood. Are you ready to discover God’s beautiful design for your life?

Character Counts by Charles H. Dyer

Character CountsReady for a spiritual “stress test?” Read Character Counts: The Power of Personal Integrity by Charles Dyer. Follow him as he gives an account of some of the best and worst that both contemporary culture and the Bible have to offer. What separates those whose lives have influence and a positive legacy from so many others? The world offers “the good life,” God gives eternal life. The world emphasizes “doing,” God emphasizes “being.” The world stresses achievement, God stresses integrity. The world pressures to conform, God seeks to transform. The world focuses on the outward signs of “success,” God focuses on the inner qualities of the heart.

How are your spiritual vital signs on the treadmill of life? Any irregularities? What’s your prognosis?

Vote for a Review

Think I should review one of these books? Go ahead and have a say in this poll:

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (March 4)

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  • What Makes Heaven Happy

    What Makes Heaven Happy

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  • A Deadly Enemy

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