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Paul, Timothy, and Podcasts

This sponsored post invites you to enjoy lively discussions with the most respected teachers from Westminster’s new MinistryNetwork.

Paul and Timothy enjoyed a special relationship. In 2 Timothy 1:4, Paul writes: “As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.”

Paul didn’t just teach Timothy. He embraced his young spiritual son with care, honesty, and vulnerability. Timothy knew what made Paul, Paul. That’s true mentorship—a gift that many people in ministry lack.

We look up to the Paul-like teachers of today. We listen to their talks, follow their ministries, and read their books. In our celebrity-driven culture, these teachers often appear perfect and untouchable. It’s easy to forget Spurgeon’s words: “Is it not a curious thing that whenever God means to make a man great, He always first breaks him in pieces?”

Timothy had the privilege of witnessing the real person behind Paul’s apostolic persona. What if people today had a similar opportunity with modern teachers?

That’s the aim of the Ministry Network Podcast. Every week, our guests share their experience and provide a small window into their journey in ministry. Each episode is packed with moving theology, practical counsel, and real-life stories about the joys and trials of life in the church.


  • Steven Lawson on Preaching (audio, video)
  • Steven Lawson on Preparing Sermons (audio, video)
  • Joe Novenson on the Power of Prayer (audio, video)
  • Joe Novenson on Prayer for the Downcast (audio, video)
  • Paul Washer on Conviction (audio, video)
  • Paul Washer on Fighting Discouragement (audio, video)
  • Rosaria Butterfield on Hospitality (audio, video)
  • Rosaria Butterfield on COVID-19 (audio, video)
  • Rachael Denhollander on Church Abuse (audio, video)
  • Rachael Denhollander on Justice, Forgiveness, and Nassar (audio, video)

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