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One Life-Changing Week

This week the blog is sponsored by the Biblical Counseling Training Conference.

Would you like to improve the effectiveness of your ministry? Would you like to improve your ability to help a hurting person using your Bible?

This February 10-15, 2019 in Lafayette, Indiana we are hosting the annual Biblical Counseling Training Conference. Since 1985, we have been equipping ministry professionals and lay leaders to skillfully, confidently, and lovingly minister God’s Word to those looking for answers.

In 2018 almost 2,100 people from every state in the Union and a dozen foreign countries came to be equipped for more effective ministry. This week in Lafayette has often been called “one life-changing week” by those who attend. It is a time to listen to some of the leading churches and voices in the biblical counseling movement help you gain wisdom, skill, and confidence to minister to a hurting person. You’ll grow as a counselor. You’ll grow in Christ.

Many ask what would be so valuable about the conference that a person would come for an entire week? Here is a video to show you what your experience would be like and some of the testimonies of those who have attended.

We have six training tracks in English and three in Spanish:

  • Track 1 (both English and Spanish) is for everyone. It is a basic course in personal ministry. This track serves to equip small group leaders, pastors, missionaries, and other lay leaders in the basics of individual ministry. This track is required for ACBC certification.
  • Tracks 2 and 3 dd the structure to the foundation built in Track 1. Both tracks cover a wide range of subjects and concerns. Tracks 2 and 3 build on Track 1 to further develop the all-important counseling framework.
  • Track 4 changes every year and caters to our “long-termers.” There are some folks who have attended this conference 15 years in a row! We cover more advanced topics and training.
  • Track 5 helps attendees work toward completion of the certification exams. We ask that all guests in this track complete Track 1 from us or from another ACBC-approved center.
  • Track 6 is dedicated to helping women counsel women. This track could be renamed the “Titus 2 Track” and will focus on some of the common struggles that women face, including dealing with childhood abuse, challenges with their identity, eating disorders, marital struggles, parenting difficulties, and spiritual growth. Our week together will help you apply Titus 2 through equipping in Christ-centered biblical counseling.

We strongly encourage taking Track 1 first because it is the foundation for this system of personal ministry.


We’re excited to introduce this year’s speakers for the Biblical Counseling Training Conference! Each of our speakers has a wealth of expertise in a field related to biblical counseling, training, and ministry.

Prices are currently discounted. REGISTER TODAY!

You’ll grow as a counselor. You’ll grow in Christ. We hope to see you for a life-changing week in February.

PS: Don’t forget to follow Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries on social media:



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