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No Matter How You Plan To Read The Bible In 2025 We Can Help

This week the blog is sponsored by Into the Word and is written by Pastor Paul Carter. No matter how you plan to read the Bible in 2025, Into the Word wants to help!

Into the Word began in 2017 with a simple mission: to help people read, love and live the whole counsel of God. Toward that end, we try to provide “pastor level” guidance to our listeners, as we walk together, verse by verse and chapter by chapter through whole books of the Bible. As of December 1st, 2024 we have covered 563 chapters, or approximately 47% of the Bible. God willing, we will pass through the 50% mark in 2025. Each chapter episode is between 15-25 minutes in length, depending on the number of verses in the text.

  • To listen to a sample Old Testament episode, see here.
  • To listen to a sample New Testament episode, see here.
  • To listen to an entry level series that is perfect for new believers, see here.
  • To listen to a series that unpacks a complicated Old Testament book, see here.

I typically read 4-5 commentaries on the book in question and then prepare the transcripts. I record the episodes, and after a bit of light editing from our tech team, we release them on the date they appear in the RMM Bible Reading Plan, but of course, you can use the episodes with any reading plan, or with no plan at all. The entire library of episodes can be found on the Into the Word app or on the Into the Word website. Recently released episodes can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, or wherever you find your podcasts.

May your time in the Word feed your soul, guide your steps, transform your character, and grow your love for Jesus Christ.

Paul Carter

People ask me from time to time, why in the world I am doing this. I am a full-time pastor. I’ve got 5 kids. I’m 50 years old. This project has already taken me 8 years and will probably take 10 more to complete. So why in the world am I doing this?

I guess the simple answer is that I can’t imagine not doing it. I was 18 years old the first time I read through the whole Bible from cover to cover and from that point on, I was hooked. Every time I read the Bible I felt like I understood it a little better. Each time I made it through the whole thing, all the individual stories and parts made more sense to me. I read the Bible to learn about God, to learn about me, and to learn about how God saved me through the person and work of Christ. My life’s passion is to share what I’ve found and experienced with others. I think of myself as a sort of “Bible Guide”. By God’s grace I’ve had the opportunity to study the history and the languages of the Bible and to spend the better of my life so far in teaching and sharing it with others. I do that most of the time in my home church, but I use the Into the Word radio and podcast program to help people all around the world read, love and live the whole counsel of God. I would love to serve you in any way I can, however you plan on reading and studying the Scriptures in 2025.

Some people use Into the Word to help them stay on track with their Bible Reading Plan. They’ll read two chapters of the Bible in the morning, and then listen to one or two episodes of Into the Word in the car on the way to work. Some couples listen to Into the Word together for their morning devotions. Some people use it as the basis for a mid-week Bible Study and discussion group. However you plan to use it – or even if you don’t – I pray that the Lord would bless you richly as you read and study the Scriptures throughout the coming year. May your time in the Word feed your soul, guide your steps, transform your character, and grow your love for Jesus Christ.

And may God alone be glorified!

To find the complete library of Into the Word episodes by Pastor Paul see here. To read his most recent articles over at TGC Canada see here.

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