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Exciting New Resources from Clarifying The Bible

This week’s sponsor is Clarifying the Bible. Be sure to learn how it can help you better understand the Bible.

Justin Taylor wrote, “This is the best material I’ve seen at an intro level for explaining what’s in the Bible and how it fits together.”

Do you and/or your friends need help understanding life’s most essential book? Clarifying The Bible can help. Clarifying The Bible is a two-hour video presentation and workbook that gives viewers the basic framework and storyline of the Bible. You’ll engage the Scriptures with confidence and feel well equipped to help others dive into the Scriptures for themselves.

And with new resources like the Teaching Manuscript, the improved Teaching Slides, and the Small Group Curriculum, your learning can be enhanced and your teaching ministry strengthened.

While we love the endorsements we’ve received from the likes of Justin Taylor at Crossway, Jim Hamilton at Southern Seminary, Tim Kimmel of Grace Based Parenting, and many other pastors/leaders, what’s more encouraging are reviews we get from “ordinary” people in churches.

“I want to say on behalf of my wife and I, that the Clarifying The Bible presentation has enlightened us to understand, relate, and meditate on Scripture more than ever before, giving us the blessing to behold how amazing our God is.”

“I was taught Clarifying The Bible by one of my disciplers who had been taught Clarifying The Bible from Mitch! And there lies the greatness of this tool! It is reproducible and easy to pass on the greatness of God’s word and the grand story of redemption in Jesus. Clarifying The Bible helped me to see the whole picture of the Bible and be able to reteach it and disciple others with it. I’d encourage any one in the faith to study this course and reteach it to someone else!”

“I highly recommend this book based on the care that the author took in making the subject material very understandable for people of all levels of Biblical literacy (from beginner to advanced).”

“I can’t think of a more helpful method to gain an understanding of the Truth. Recommended for the honest seeker and the most mature saint.”

“Clarifying The Bible is one of the all time best presentations of the story of Scripture I have ever seen.”

“Whatever you thought you knew about the Bible will be amplified tremendously. And I can’t say enough about what his session on the letters of Paul taught me. Do yourself a favor and get this.”

Here’s that portion of Clarifying The Bible on Paul’s letters:

While you can get Clarifying The Bible at Amazon, we encourage you to take advantage of the new resources found at

The Disciple’s Bundle includes the book, video download, new Teaching Manuscript, updated Teaching Slides, and new Small Group Curriculum.

The Disciple Maker’s Bundle includes three (3) books, video download, Teaching Manuscript, Teaching Slides, and Small Group Curriculum.

The Group Leader’s Bundle includes 10 books, video download, Teaching Manuscript, Teaching Slides, Small Group Curriculum, and a DVD.

Finally, The CTB Cohort: Mitch is launching an online CTB Cohort for young men (twenty- and thirty-somethings). Take a look and apply fast. He’s taking up to 11 men, and the cohort starts on August 28.

The three Bundles are discounted throughout August. And, for Bundle purchases made in the month of August, using the coupon code challies at checkout, you’ll receive a 10% discount and Clarifying The Bible will donate 5% of net proceeds to Desiring God (John Piper’s ministry fueling more joy in Jesus around the world), along with 5% to Frontline Missions International (Tim Keesee’s ministry advancing the Gospel in the world’s difficult places.)

Don’t forget that coupon code, challies, when purchasing one of the Bundles.

Here’s that address again:

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