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Managing Kingdom Causes with Sound Business Principles 

This week the blog is sponsored by Redeemer University.

The word “management” conjures up images of executives leading large corporations with the goal of generating wealth for shareholders. Think of “sustainability” and the lens widens to benefiting other stakeholders like customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. Now, broaden your view even wider. Pan out–way out!

Consider your local church, school, food bank, women’s shelter, mission, ministry, and any other not-for-profit organization that comes to mind. You are passionate about these worthy causes and you feel called by God to serve him and his kingdom in not-for-profit organizations. Maybe you are in leadership or aspire to be, and want to faithfully manage the resources entrusted to you so you can magnify and multiply your organization’s impact. If so, Redeemer University’s new Not-for-Profit Management Certificate is for you. The certificate is designed for busy working professionals and aspiring managers who care deeply and work diligently to build God’s kingdom and want to develop stronger management skills based on sound business principles.

Courses are entirely online allowing you to complete weekly assignments from wherever you live and whenever it works for your schedule. Take four courses to earn a Certificate and two more courses for an Advanced Certificate. Courses may also be applied toward a Redeemer University Business degree.

Topics include the legal environment, governance, leadership, accountability, strategy, collaboration, managing staff and volunteers, marketing, advocacy and lobbying, resourcing, and fundraising–and that’s just the first course. In subsequent courses, you will learn to change behaviour through effective marketing, raise donor awareness and build loyalty, obtain and manage a wide range of resources, create inspiring visions and strategies for the organization’s future, and start-up businesses to help fund your organization.

Courses begin three times each year (September, January, and May) with registration opening for this fall on June 10, 2024. Learn more at

Sign up to receive updates about the program and receive $250 off your first course when you enroll. 

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