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How to Read 20 Books a Year Effortlessly

How to Read 20 Books a Year Effortlessly

This sponsored post was written by Cory Verner, Co-founder of

Most of us would like to read more great books. We have reading lists a mile long and books that collect dust on the shelf. We know that books help us grow in our relationships, our attitudes and most importantly our faith. But, how do we find the time?

I found audiobooks almost 20 years ago when I grew tired of listening to the radio on my two-hour commute. Fast forward a couple of years and I had library cards in three counties and always had a book playing (cassettes mostly at the time). I didn’t buy many books back then because they were too expensive and I could find most of the titles I was looking for at the library on tape. Times have changed; cassettes are gone and audiobooks are more accessible than ever. They are now surprisingly affordable — You can even get them for free.

Audiobooks can supplement your reading by unlocking time you didn’t have before.

Audiobooks can supplement your reading by unlocking time you didn’t have before. They don’t necessarily replace a physical book, but Christian audiobooks renew your mind on a commute, morning run, or just around the house!

Sure, it can be difficult to tackle Calvin’s Institutes in audio (on sale for $7.49 by the way) but, there are many books that simply work better as audiobooks. If you’re intimidated by the format, try a biography, the Bible, or something shorter in our Christian Living section to get started.

I’ve been able to listen to close to 20 books a year for more than a decade and my daily commute is now only 20 minutes. With that and listening on the occasional run or when I travel, I’m easily able to tackle my reading list. You can too.

So, why aren’t you listening to audiobooks?

Free Christian Audiobook Each Month

This month get The Holy Bible – KJV New Testament for FREE! Come back each month to get the free audiobook permanently added to your library. All you have to do is subscribe to our email list and have a free christianaudio account.

Amazing Sales

Right now we are running our Twice-Yearly Sale where we discount over 6,000 audiobooks and Bibles to $7.49. Save up to 94% off during the sale! We’re constantly discounting great Christian content.

Available on Android and iOS.

Easily access your christianaudio library by using either our Android or iOS apps.


Kickstart your library by getting 1-4 free audiobooks with a trial membership. The membership gives you 4 credits – that’s enough to get anywhere from 1-4 audiobooks for only $14.95/mo.

Twice-Yearly Sale

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