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Get the Free Version of Logos Bible Software

Get the Free Version of Logos Bible Software

This sponsored post was provided by Logos Bible Software.

D.A. Carson. Tim Keller. John MacArthur. John Piper. Aside from being some of the most influential pastors and scholars alive today, what do these four men all have in common? They recommend using Logos Bible Software in your Bible study.

And now, for the first time, Faithlife has released a free version of their acclaimed Bible software. Here’s why you should start using it in your Bible study today.

Biblical insights within reach

If you’ve ever been curious about Logos or Bible software in general but have been waiting to try it, Logos 7 Basic is for you. Maybe you’ve wondered if the price is worth it, or perhaps the prospect of learning to use a new tool is overwhelming. Now you can start using Bible software in your study today, free of charge.


With free training and a built-in course for mastering the software, getting started is simple and stress-free. You can even launch your study right away with premade layouts tailored for specific types of study and common Bible study tasks.

Plus, Basic comes with a small library of Bible study resources including two translations, a commentary, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, a study Bible, and even Greek and Hebrew resources. It’s just what you need to get started with basic Bible study tasks and uncover the biblical insights you crave.

Start studying with Logos 7 Basic for free now!


Logos 7 Basic is designed to help you do everyday Bible study tasks with more precision and less frustration. Customize a Bible reading plan, tie your notes and highlights to your passage, scroll commentaries and Scripture in-sync, search your Bible or library, and more.

You’ll discover insights that would remain forever hidden in a paper library. Open a passage, and Logos 7 Basic automatically pulls in only the most relevant excerpts from across all your books. Search for anything, and Logos scours every word in every resource, taking you to the right page in the right book—every time.

Plus, Logos’ feature-rich mobile apps keep your notes, highlights, library, and preferences completely in sync, so you can continue your study wherever you are.

Get Logos 7 Basic for free now.


With a price that no one can refuse—because it’s free—Logos 7 Basic puts biblical insights within reach. Get started with the free version of Logos today, and see for yourself how Logos will help you discover, understand, and share more of the biblical insights you crave.

Get Logos 7 Basic for free now.

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