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Equipped for Christlikeness

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This sponsored post was prepared by The Master’s College.

1 Peter 2:2 says, “…as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow by it.”

2 Timothy 3 says the same thing, that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable, that the man of God may be perfect, completely furnished unto good works.

Our God-given task is very clear. I know exactly what God has called me to do and that is to give my life to the process of equipping the saints, building up the saints. It’s not a matter of how many people can we have; it’s a matter of what kind of people do we have. The measure of a church is not its size. The measure of a church is its capability to produce Christlikeness among its people. That’s the objective.

The measure of a school is the same thing, because this is merely a reassembly of the Church in another environment, and the objective here is not to have the greatest number of students. The objective is to produce people who are Christlike. David said, “I will be satisfied when I awake in Thy likeness” (Psalm 17:15). That has to be the desire of every heart, to be fully equipped to be like Jesus Christ.

“…I commit you,” Paul says, “to the Word of God, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with the saints” (Acts 20:32).

(Adapted from the sermon “Equipping the Saints,” delivered by John MacArthur to the students of The Master’s College on September 15, 1986.)

We at The Master’s College believe that the Word of God is essential to the mission of the Church. And whether you are a pastor or a layperson, you know it is crucial for a congregation to truly understand the Word of God if their ministry is to be effective.

Christians who eagerly seek truth and emulate the Bereans (Acts 17:10-11) will be better equipped to apply Sunday’s sermons to their lives and to engage in outreach. Some churches foster this attitude through weekly Bible classes and certificate programs. But even for a church without the staff or resources to create Bible classes of their own, options are still available.

Pastors and church leaders, The Master’s College wants to come alongside you and help equip the members of your congregation with sound Bible training. We can be your Bible institute.

It makes no difference if your church isn’t located in Southern California; TMC Online is ever expanding. We offer four online degree programs, including undergraduate degrees in Christian Ministries and Biblical Studies, in addition to general education classes in Old and New Testament survey, biblical interpretation, biblical counseling, and more.

Sign up for our Partner Church Program to earn a 10% tuition discount for all active members of your church. And don’t forget to check out our Biblical Equipping Collection, a convenient non-credit option for Bible studies and Sunday school classes. For only $199, receive a complete college class on DVD, including 30 hours of video lectures and accompanying study materials. Nine different topics are available.

There is no book more worth studying than the Bible, the very words of our Lord. The Master’s College looks forward to partnering with you, that the members of your congregation may be “equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17).

Contact TMC Online

Phone: 877-302-3337
Email: [email protected]

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