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Does Your Family Worship Together?

This sponsored post was povided by Reformation Heritage Books, and written by Dr. Joel Beeke, contributor to the Family Worship Bible Guide, to illustrate the call and benefits of studying the Bible in the home each day.

“Lead family worship with a firm, fatherly hand and a soft, penitent heart. Speak with hopeful solemnity. Expect great things from a great, covenant-keeping God.”

Family worship is a daily, intentional, sustained exercise of devotion of reading Scripture, of prayer, of discussing what you read, and singing the Psalms or the hymns of God with your family, with the purpose of training them, day by day, by day.

The Family Worship Bible Guide aims to provide invaluable help to fathers (or in the absence of a godly father, mothers) who want to do daily, intentional family worship. The guide presents the two or three major, practical takeaways from each chapter in the Bible. It usually concludes with a question or two to start a conversation in the family. 

The Bible teaches us the whole counsel of God for what we should believe and how we should live. Thus, if you use this Family Worship Bible Guide regularly until you have gone through the whole Bible (an achievable goal over the span of a few years), you will have spoken with your family on nearly every important subject under the sun from a biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical perspective. 

We are encouraged by the many fathers who have expressed how the Family Worship Bible Guide has transformed their family worship. Written by a team of preachers and pastors, it is like having a library of Bible applications at your fingertips. Even as a husband and father who has served as a gospel minister for decades, I must confess that, after reading certain chapters (such as Ezekiel 44), I do not know what to say in family worship. But this book is so helpful in applying every chapter of the Bible! And it excels in showing how the whole Bible points to Jesus Christ, the Mediator of grace. 

Therefore, I urge you to use the Family Worship Bible Guide as a powerful tool to assist you as you lead your family, by God’s grace, in daily worship, to know the Lord, worship Him together, and walk in His ways. You will also find it helpful for personal devotions or preparing devotional thoughts to share with friends or small groups. By the grace of God, the Family Worship Bible Guide will lead you into a deeper appreciation of the glorious reality that all Scripture is truly inspired of God and is profitable for teaching and training us in the whole Christian life.

Lead your family in worship.

Take responsibility, be a man, and lead your family in daily worship using the best possible guide. Get the Family Worship Bible Guide and start the journey now.

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