This week the blog is sponsored by Thomas Nelson so they can tell you about an amazing sale on resources from John MacArthur.
Known for his faithfulness to scripture, John MacArthur has become one of the leading Bible expositors of our time. He has written handfuls of books to help readers gain clarity and understanding of the Bible and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We’ve compiled a list of twelve classics that would be great additions to your library.
This week only: get these titles at for 50% off or visit Amazon for eBooks as low as $1.99. Deals end on October 25th.

Bible Reference
The MacArthur Bible Commentary is for anyone seeking to apply scripture to their lives in a meaningful way. John MacArthur treats every passage of the Bible phrase by phrase while conveying the its overarching message with historical and theological clarity. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
The MacArthur Bible Handbook is a book-by-book survey of the Bible complete with summaries, charts, and illustrations, and packed with historical and cultural context. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
The MacArthur Topical Bible offers in-depth study on thousands of spiritual topics and Bible passages, carefully cross-referenced and organized for quick and complete visual location. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
MacArthur’s Quick Reference Guide to the Bible takes you through key aspects of each Bible book, examining key doctrines, people, geography, history, culture, and more. (Buy on Amazon – eBook only)
Personal Study
The Gospel According to Jesus: What is Authentic Faith? tackles the error of “easy-believism” and urges readers to understand that their conversion was more than a mere point in time but a lifetime of obedience. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
Only Jesus: What It Really Means to Be Saved is based on The Gospel According to Jesus and explores how Jesus’ actual words and teachings call us to salvation and new life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Drastic changes will result in our hearts and lives when we truly answer Christ’s call to discipleship. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
One Perfect Life: The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus blends the gospels and other biblical material about Jesus into one continuous story that will help you better understand scripture and grow stronger in your faith. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
One Faithful Life: A Harmony of the Life and Letters of Paul weaves together Paul’s letters, the book of Acts, and information from the gospels into a seamless narrative of his life story—from Pharisee and persecutor of the church, to broken and humbled convert, to the apostle of Jesus Christ. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
Pastor’s Library
Evangelism: How to Share the Gospel Faithfully compares the current state of Christian outreach with evangelism throughout church history and addresses the theological principles that govern evangelism. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically presents solid theological foundations of biblical counseling in contrast to humanistic and secular theories of psychological counseling. A practical, proactive, and relevant book for students, church leaders, and lay people. (Buy on ChurchSource – no eBook available)
Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically is a practical pastoral theology aimed at showing the vital role God’s word plays in shaping the preparation and priorities of pastoring. Learn how to grow intentionally from calling to ministering as a spiritual shepherd. (Buy on Amazon or ChurchSource)
Preaching: How to Preach Biblically takes you through the process of developing expositions, creating sermons, and delivering expository messages, connecting what pastors learn in seminary with the sermons preached in a local church. (Buy on Amazon – eBook only)