This week the blog is sponsored by Truth78.
Moses commanded Israel’s priests and elders to gather the people every seven years and read the law to them. What is surprising are his instructions, “assemble the men, women, and little ones.” The little ones! The whole law? Yes. And Moses makes his reasoning clear: “that they may hear and learn to fear the Lord your God, and be careful to do all the words of this law, and that their children who have not known it, may hear and learn to fear the Lord your God…” (Deuteronomy 31:12-13)
Children still need to be taught the big truths of the Bible. Here are ten reasons why:
- Children Need an Accurate View of God and the Bible
Emphasizing one aspect of God’s character while neglecting others distorts their view of who God is. For example, teaching the law without grace leads to believing that salvation is by works; emphasizing grace without justice can give the impression that sin is trivial, and everyone will be saved. - Children Need Big Truths in Order to Embrace the Gospel
Grace makes no sense without understanding sin, and sin doesn’t make sense without understanding God’s holiness. Children need an adequate understanding of the gospel in order to respond in faith. (1 Peter 1:23). - Knowing the Word is a Foundation for Wisdom and Holiness
Children cannot fear or love God if they don’t know who He is. Right thinking leads to right living. (Proverbs 9:10; Psalm 119:11) - Children Are Open to Hard Truths
Children are often black-and-white thinkers, unhindered by past emotional baggage. When they learn truth early, they develop a theological framework to inform their experiences, instead of letting experience shape their theology. - Children Have Tender Hearts
We have a window of opportunity to teach truth before their hearts become resistant. (2 Timothy 4:2-4) It is easier to mold a tender heart than a calloused heart. - Children Need a Biblical Framework
Big truths help children make sense of life through the lens of God’s providence. - Early Maturity Can Prevent Wrong Thinking
It’s easier to teach children right theology from the start than to undo wrong thinking when they’re adults. Limiting children to “easy” doctrines can stunt their spiritual growth may lead to a crisis of faith when suffering and disappointments come later in life. (Hebrews 5:12-14) - Discernment Comes through Practice
The same tender hearts that incline them to truth can also make them vulnerable to error. The greatest weapon against lies is knowing the truth. (Hebrews 5:14; Colossians 2:1-4) - Children Need an Accurate Self-Perception
Children are self-righteous and self-centered. The Scriptures show them their desperate need of rescue and transformation. - Deep Theology Prepares Children to Stand Steadfast
Children need a theology of suffering to prepare them for the inevitable storms of life. (John 15:18-20; James 1:12)
Children need parents and pastors and Sunday School teachers to teach them the whole Bible–the big, deep, weighty, glorious truths, even the challenging parts–if they’re going to put their trust, unshakably, in Christ.
Explore resources for teaching children the big truths they need and start a free trial of Truth78 curriculum.