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Sponsored Posts

For many years now I have relied on advertising to cover the costs associated with hosting and maintaining this site. As the site has grown (there were well over a million visits last month!) I have relied on several different forms of advertising to do this. Almost a year ago I decided I would abandon the model that places a long series of banner ads all over the site and move instead to sponsorships–Christian companies or ministries that will exclusively sponsor the site for a week at a time. My friends at Church Plant Media asked to sponsor the site for several months and that made it very easy on me. Their period has now come to an end, so you are going to begin to see new sponsors each week.

Here is how this will look to you, the reader. Each Monday I will tell you who is sponsoring the site for that week, and they will provide an article introducing themselves, their product, or their service. I am being extremely careful in vetting these sponsors and trust that each one of them will be both relevant and theologically-sound. The sponsor will also provide a banner ad that will appear in the side’s sidebar (in the body of the article if you are reading on a mobile device) or at the bottom of the article if you are reading via RSS or email. These articles will be clearly marked as “sponsored” since they are written from an advertiser to you. Here is what you will see:


It is that simple!

As for you, I would appreciate it if you would at least consider reading those sponsored posts that look interesting to you, and clicking on the banners that seem relevant. I am hoping sponsorships will prove to be a means for you to learn about products and services that can be very helpful to you.

If, on the other hand, you are an advertiser interested in sponsoring the site, please contact me for details. Spots are filling very fast, so don’t wait too long!

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