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The Art of Ron Cowle

A couple of years ago I made a web site for Ron Cowle who happens to be both an exceptionally gifted artist and my uncle. The design for his site was really quite unique because he sat with me at my desk while I created it. My job as the designer was to translate his vision for the site from his sketchbook onto the computer screen. So really the design was more his than it was mine. We both ended up being very happy with the final result.

Ron lives in Lanark County, a beatiful area of the province that is near Ottawa, and he works with both painting and sculpture. I have long been taken with Ron’s art and thought it would make a nice addition to this site. And so, for the next little while, you will be able to view samples of his work in the banner above. You can click on any of the slides to view the full painting at Ron’s site. Be sure to also browse through his incredible sculptures, especially the whale and the highlander.

And hey, if your house is suffering from bare walls and you’d like to liven them up, why not get in touch with Ron and remedy the situation?

For more about Ron you can read a recent blog entry written by my brother-in-law Rick. Rick writes, “His faith is knowledgeable and inquisitive as well. Over the table there was a conversation about Biblical prophecy, and what perhaps happened to the lost tribes of Israel. By the fire in the living room was a conversation about creation, truth, and how we need to honest answers for people. He needs to have honest and intelligent answers, he explained, for his sons who are out facing the pressures of a propaganda laden education system. He needs to have answers because he talks to people and because they need answers…All in all, anyone who can paint like Ron Cowle: they are doing well. Anyone who has a faith like Ron Cowle, they are doing very well. “

If you are an artist or photographer and would like to showcase your work in the banner (or if you know someone who might), please feel free to contact me.

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