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Sponsors, Affiliates, and Patrons: How I Do What I Do

Bringing you this site is my full-time occupation. I love what I do and am thrilled to have the opportunity to do it. I seldom speak about finances, but did want to raise the subject today. My primary source of income is the sponsored posts that I share almost every Monday (so please read them!). However, as you may have noticed, there have been a couple of recent weeks for which I was not able to book one of those posts—something that is not tremendously unusual during the summer. This provided the impetus to offer this reminder of the other ways in which I earn income (which is to say, in which this site is able to continue).

The second source of income is affiliate programs. I often link to stores that allow you to make purchases online, and for many of these I have an affiliate agreement. Such an agreement means that if you click one of those links and make a purchase, a small percentage of the value is later given to me as a commission. Thus, one way you can support the site is to make your purchases through an affiliate link. is, for example (and according to the official verbiage), “a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

The third source of income is patronage. Patronage is financial support given by individuals like you. Patronage allows people to make small but regular donations that, when put together, add up to a significant amount. There are currently over 250 people who support me in this way, and I am deeply grateful to each one of them. I’d be honored if you would consider joining in. You can learn more at Patreon. I do my best to keep patrons updated with monthly messages about what is happening in my life, what new projects I am beginning, and so on. There are also a few small perks available.

Again, I love what I do and am thankful that I get to do it. Whether you support this work as a patron, by taking advantage of affiliate links, by reading the sponsored posts, or simply by visiting, do know that I am deeply grateful.

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