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A Whole New Look

It has been one of those long days. But it’s been a good day. We are still in the midst of a heat-wave here in Toronto. While the temperatures are not all that high, the humidity is through the roof leaving us with some hot, sticky, nasty weather. But it gave us an opportunity to take the children to the local splash pad and to let them have fun there. And we’ve spent much of the rest of the day busy with various projects around the house.

One project I finally got around to was a new design for this site. As you have no doubt noticed if you are one of those people who visit the site (rather than one who simply checks in via RSS), things look a little different around here. A lot different, actually.

Unfortunately, because of the busyness of the day, I’ve been unable to transition all of the pages. Those that I do not get to today I’ll be sure to update tomorrow. But for now the main page and all of the article pages should have the new look. Along with the new look are a couple of new features, not the least of which is real, printable pages. Do note, though, that this won’t be implemented until tomorrow (once again because I’ve just been too busy). But as of tomorrow you’ll be able to click the print button and get a printable version of each page that will not print any of the associated graphics. It’s a good thing.

Anyways, I’ll be interested in hearing some feedback. Whenever I change the look I have people who seem glad to tell me how much they hate it. Hopefully there won’t be too many of those this time around.

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