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Explore Revelation 1:3

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 18)

    Good morning. Grace and peace to you. We are seeing some Kindle deals related to ETS. They are worth checking out and include the excellent books The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self and Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth. (Yesterday on the blog: The Beauty of an Heirloom Bible) Assurance of Things Hoped For:…

  • False Teachers and Deadly Doctrines

    False Teachers and Deadly Doctrines

    For the past few years, lists of Christian bestsellers have been topped by a book claiming fresh revelation from Jesus Christ. Before that, they were overrun by books describing people’s purported visits to heaven. And before the heaven tourism fad, there was the best-selling novel that reframed the doctrine of the Trinity. Meanwhile, the largest…