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Explore Psalm 58:3

  • What God Hates

    God Hates Deceit

    If we are to be people who love, we must also be people who hate. If we are to love what blesses people, we must hate what harms them. In loving and hating in these ways, we imitate the God who both loves and hates. God reserves words like “hate,” “abomination,” and “despise” to describe…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    All Men Are Equal Down at the Cross

    Yesterday I wrote about sin, asking if sin is primarily something we do or something we are. Some questions arose in light of that article and I wanted to carry on a bit of discussion by looking further at the doctrine of human depravity. I have shared most of this in the past but felt…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The T in TULIP – Part 1

    Yesterday morning my pastor preached on Romans 12-13 under the heading of “Cross-Centered Authenticity.” Though I missed much of the first half of the sermon walking the halls with a fussy baby, I returned in time to hear the end of the first (and longest) point and the final four points. I am glad I…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Hearts of My Children

    I hope this article will be the final one in a disorganized and rambling mini-series I’ve written about children. I’ve looked at my understanding of what happens to children when they die, and hope today to explain why I assume my young children to be unsaved. This will not be a theological treatise as much…

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    Total Depravity: Extent vs Degree

    This morning I decided that today I was going to write about man’s sinful condition, or as we says as Calvinists, man’s total depravity. Doing my rounds of other blogs this morning I noticed that Jollyblogger had written about this topic yesterday, so I thought I would take a slightly different approach and write about…