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Explore Psalm 42

  • New and Notable Christian Books for January 2025

    As you know, I like to do my best to sort through the new Christian books that are released each month to see what stands out as being not only new, but also particularly notable. I received quite a number of books in January and narrowed the list down to the ones below. I have…

  • Depression at the CoRE

    Depression at the CoRE

    Today’s post is sponsored by BJU Seminary and written by Bruce Meyer, biblical counseling faculty member. BJU Seminary equips Christian leaders through an educational and ministry experience that is biblically shaped, theologically rich, historically significant, and evangelistically robust. What do we do with dark despair? If you know anything about depression, you know that its seems to…

  • 7 New and Notable Books for December

    Even late in the year, we continue to see some excellent new books come our way. And, one way or another, most of them make their way to boxes on my front doorstep. I sort through all those books and try to distill them down to some of the most notable. Here are the ones…

  • Lord from Sorrows Deep I Call (Free Downloads)

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music, and in this post Matt Papa tells about his new adaptation of Psalm 42, “Lord from Sorrows Deep I Call.” You’ll also find a video along with downloadable MP3 and sheet music. This song began as a melody that was filled with sorrow, hope, and longing. After…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/5)

    Christianity, Unplugged – “In the twenty-first century, being alone and withdrawing mean much more than being the only person in the room. They mea n being unplugged. In our appreciation for the help that technology can bring, we have perhaps been unaware of its more subtle dangers.” Teaching Preaching – Pastors and church leaders may…

  • Talk to Yourself!

    Here is a wise word from Martyn Lloyd-Jones, from his work Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure. It will help to know that the biblical context for what he is writing here is Psalm 42. The main trouble in this whole matter of spiritual depression in a sense is this, that we allow our self…

  • A Panting Prayer

    Here’s a prayer from Scotty Smith, one that really helped me this morning. In it Scotty looks at Psalm 42, where a deer pants for water, and asks God to help us long for him the way David did. As he says, “Thirst will not be denied. We’ll do almost anything to satisfy our thirst.”…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    It Is Good To Thirst

    Every soul thirsts. It may not be felt every moment, but to some degree every soul thirsts after something it does not have. We are rarely content in our current condition and it seems that this is the way we have been Divinely wired. But while we all thirst, we do not all thirst in…