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Explore Psalm 112:1–2

  • A Rainey/Mutz Update

    Earlier today Dennis Rainey sent the following email to some of his friends. I share this because it is just such a wonderful testament to God’s grace in the lives of these people. Only Christians can have such hope even in the face of devastating adversity. On Thursday, Miss Molly made her way to her…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Pray for the Mutz and Rainey Families (Updated)

    You may well know of Dennis Rainey of FamilyLife (he is executive director and co-founder of FamilyLife and the daily host of the radio program Family Life Today). He has authored or co-authored several books. Rainey’s daughter Rebecca recently gave birth to Molly Ann, her first child. Molly was unexpectedly born with a life-threatening medical…