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Explore Proverbs 29:18

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    The 10 Questions Anyone Considering a Call to Ministry Must Answer

    This sponsored post was provided by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The call to ministry is indeed a subjective thing. We use phrases like “feeling called” and “sensing a call.” Sometimes we may talk about “discerning” a call or “wrestling with” a call. If you are in one of those categories of thinking, how can you…

  • Depending on the Spirit

    Some time ago I read an article (which, alas, I can no longer find) that described a time that a crew from the BBC went in search of the Loch Ness Monster. I thought of this yesterday while watching the movie The Water Horse with the kids. The corporation hired a team of experts to…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Rick Warren: Three Primary Concerns

    A few years ago I was handed a copy of The Purpose Driven Life and told that I really ought to read it. I knew almost nothing of Rick Warren or his Purpose Driven material, so decided I would read this book that, judging by the shelf space it had been given at the Christian…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Exegetical Fallacies

    Before church began this morning I was thinking about exegetical fallacies. I’m not sure why this topic was on my mind but I was trying to think back to which of these fallacies I have written about on this site. I came up with three and promptly forgot one of them. I thought I’d collect…

  • Where There Is No Vision Proverbs 29:18

    Where There Is No Vision… (Proverbs 29:18)

    One of my greatest passions in life is for history. When I was young I was more likely to be seen reading non-fiction than fiction, and it was natural that when it came time for post-secondary education, I elected to take history as my major. One aspect of history I particularly enjoyed was examining historical…