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Explore Philippians 1:21

  • With Greater Age Comes Greater Joy

    With Greater Age Comes Greater Joy

    We were made to exist within time, to age as we progress through the years allotted to us. As we age, we experience tremendous sorrows—the sorrows of weakness, weariness, reaping, mortality, and fear. But we do not experience only sorrows. We experience joys as well. Some of these extend to believer and unbeliever alike, but…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    5 Bullet Points About Death

    I know, I know–there’s a certain level of irony when you provide “bullet points” on death. Nevertheless, here are five important things that the Bible tells us about death. 1. Death is the result of sin Genesis 2:17 — “but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for…