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Explore Matthew 4:4

  • A Partial Christian

    Don’t Be a Partial Christian

    The Bible is a canon, an authoritative collection of one author’s works. In this case, the author is God, and he has given us sixty-six books, each one unique and each one serving a distinct purpose. Each book was inspired by God’s Spirit to reveal God’s mind and unveil God’s plan.

  • Knowing Theology Based on the Bible Is Important for Your Faith

    This week the blog is sponsored by Zondervan Academic, and is adapted from the preface to Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem. Knowing and understanding basic Christian beliefs is important for every Christian. People who don’t know what the Bible teaches will have no ability to distinguish truth from error, and they will be like “children,…

  • What Is the Bible, Anyway?

    We Christians spend a lot of time reading the Bible, hearing it preached, and meditating on its words. Why this commitment? We are committed to the Bible because of what it is and what it does. The Bible guides us to its purpose and power through the many metaphors it uses to describe itself. Here…

  • Strange Fire Conference: Scripture Alone

    The final session on day two of the Strange Fire conference was led by Steven Lawson who spoke on “The Puritan Commitment to Sola Scriptura.” This was another historical message meant to demonstrate how our forebears were committed to the doctrine of Scripture alone. Tonight the focus of our study will be another historical theology…