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Explore Matthew 28:20

  • God Does Give You More than You Can Handle

    This week the blog is sponsored by Tyndale, and the post is written by Jason Hague, author of Aching Joy. Iam richly blessed in the community department. Not everyone is so lucky. Like others who are in the throes of crisis, autism parents often seek comfort from friends, but all too often, they get inspirational…

  • The 10 Duties of Every Christian

    The 10 Duties of Every Christian

    The Christian life is one of obedience. It is what one author has brilliantly described as “a long obedience in the same direction.” Those who have turned to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith prove the authenticity of their conversion by their obedience. No sooner have they made their profession than they begin to willingly…

  • False Teachers and Deadly Doctrines

    False Teachers and Deadly Doctrines

    For the past few years, lists of Christian bestsellers have been topped by a book claiming fresh revelation from Jesus Christ. Before that, they were overrun by books describing people’s purported visits to heaven. And before the heaven tourism fad, there was the best-selling novel that reframed the doctrine of the Trinity. Meanwhile, the largest…