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Explore Matthew 23:4

  • thursday

    A La Carte (August 27)

    This is my final day of quarantine! After two weeks isolating in the US followed by two isolating in Canada, I’m very nearly free… There are a few new Kindle deals to consider and they include a book by MacArthur as well as the ESV Prayer Bible which I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen on…

  • 7 False Teachers in the Church Today

    How Jesus Called Out False Teachers and Deadly Doctrine

    It’s a good time to be a false teacher and to espouse deadly doctrine. It seems that today’s most brazen heretic will be granted a hearing and, in all likelihood, a book deal. Novelty is appealing, orthodoxy boring. It’s the ones who sound the warning and issue the challenge that bear the risk—the risk of…

  • no bible no breakfast

    No Bible, No Breakfast

    No Bible, no breakfast. Have you ever heard this little phrase? Has anyone ever told you to obey it? It’s a mantra that I have bumped into a number of times in the past few weeks. In one recent case a popular Christian leader held it up as a necessary motto for the believer, a…