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Explore Matthew 13

  • Why Some People Aren’t Christians

    I suppose I could be on dangerous ground here, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot and have been eager to “write it out,” (which is how I work through ideas in my mind). I’ve been thinking about why some people don’t become Christians. Why is it that some people aren’t saved even though…

  • A La Carte (November 23)

    Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends and family today. A special shout-out to my parents, brother, and sisters (and their families) down in Atlanta and Chattanooga and places in between! Today’s Kindle deals include a bunch from Os Guinness. Be sure to check in tomorrow as I’ll be spending today hunting down and compiling Black…

  • Ligonier Conference (VIII)

    Seemingly unaware that today is Saturday (and not Friday as he mentioned at the beginning of his address), Dr. Mohler took the pulpit to discuss “The Holy Spirit and Apologetics” and answer the always-difficult question of Why are there some who believe and some who do not? He began and ended with Matthew 13:1-17. The…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 2

    This is the second article in a 31-day study of Proverbs and our chapter today is Proverbs 2. This chapter is a gold mine of information regarding why we must seek wisdom, how we can do so, and what benefits it will bring. First, let’s look at how we can seek and find God’s wisdom.…