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Explore Joshua 24:15

  • New Years Resolution

    Now’s the Time To Consider a New Year’s Resolution

    The Bible says nothing about New Year’s resolutions. It does, however, say a lot about resolutions in general—about the determination and resolve to improve our character, to sharpen our habits, and to live better in the future than we did in the past. In other words, the determination and resolve to be more like Christ.

  • Family Worship Has fallen on Hard Times

    Family Worship Has Fallen on Hard Times

    This sponsored post was written by Joel Beeke on behalf of the Family Worship Bible Guide. Family worship has fallen on hard times. Parents often say they are too busy to do it. Or else they don’t know how to do it because their parents never did it. When my parents commemorated their fiftieth anniversary,…

  • Summer Interview Series: Richard Abanes (Part 1)

    This is the first interview in the Challies Dot Com Summer Interview Series. The series will feature interviews with authors, musicians and other Christian personalities. The first interview in this series is with Richard Abanes. Richard is known around these parts as author of the newly-released book Rick Warren and the Purpose That Drives Him…