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Explore John 3:16

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review Updates

    Lucado and R.C. and Moore, Oh My! Here is your update on the latest reviews at Discerning Reader. We have uploaded six new reviews for you this week–reviews that come from the pens of four different reviewers and which examine books by some of the Christian world’s most popular authors. It’s a banner week! Leslie…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    3:16: The Numbers of Hope by Max Lucado

    It’s a match made in heaven (or that’s what Thomas Nelson Publishers must believe). In 3:16: The Numbers of Hope, one of the world’s best-known and best-loved Christian authors takes on the world’s best-known and best-loved Bible verse. Max Lucado has authored over 50 book with sales exceeding an incredible 50 million copies in print.…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Challenging The Blasphemy Challenge

    Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is all the rage these days. I first bumped into this strange fad when watching Brian Flemming’s documentary The God Who Wasn’t There. At the end of this film, at its very climax, Flemming, while standing at the front of an empty chapel, slowly turns the camera and speaks right…

  • Resolved Conference (V)

    Day three of the Resolved Conference began much the same as the first two days. We sang some songs and got right to the sessions. The first session featured C.J. Mahaney speaking on Isaiah 53 and The Suffering Servant. He began by recounting the plot of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and ended…

  • DG06 – Session 5

    D.A. Carson will lead tonight’s session, the second to last at this conference. He will speak about “The Supremacy of Christ and Love in a Postmodern World.” Carson began by reading all of the seventeenth chapter of John (a passage commonly known as Jesus’ High Priestly prayer). My generation, he said, was taught to sing…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    An Introduction To Calvinism & Arminianism (Part 3)

    This is part three of our series studying the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism. Please note that this is only a brief overview of a vast topic. A thorough discussion of this topic can (and often has) filled many books. At the conclusion of the series I will provide a list of helpful resources should…