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Explore John 17:17

  • The #1 Key to the Christian Life!

    This article is written by Max Anders is sponsored by Thomas Nelson. Max is the author of 30 Days to Growing in Your Faith and 30 Days to Understanding the Bible. Knowledge isn’t everything, but everything rests on knowledge. You can’t believe something until you know it. You won’t live it until you believe it.…

  • Southern Seminary: A Legacy of Truth

    This week the blog is sponsored by Southern Seminary and was written by R. Albert Mohler Jr, who invites you to download your free copy of Truths You Can Trust. Not too long ago, I was able to visit with two of the leading authorities on theological education in the world. Neither of these figures…

  • In a Changing World, Our Commitment to Truth Remains Unchanged

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and written by R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President, SBTS. We live in an age rightly described as “post-truth.” It is now fashionable to speak of “truth” as a socially constructed sentiment or emotion. A form of relativism infects our society, surrounding us with…

  • What God Hates

    God Hates Deceit

    If we are to be people who love, we must also be people who hate. If we are to love what blesses people, we must hate what harms them. In loving and hating in these ways, we imitate the God who both loves and hates. God reserves words like “hate,” “abomination,” and “despise” to describe…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Why the Reformation Study Bible?

    At Ligonier, we’re confident in the power of the Word of God to convert sinners and equip Christians for every good work. We want the gospel to go forth to every nation, even if some may take that gospel and twist it to their own ends. But we want the people of God to grow…

  • The False Teachers: Joseph Smith

    A few weeks ago I set out on a new series of articles through which I intend to scan the history of the church—from its earliest days all the way to the present time—to examine some of Christianity’s most notorious false teachers. Along the way we will visit such figures as Arius, Servetus, Fosdick, and…

  • Strange Fire Conference: Conrad Mbewe

    Conrab Mbewe is a man who wears many hats and who fulfills many different responsibilities, but above all else he is a preacher of God’s Word. MacArthur introduced him by explaining that he wished to have Mbewe at the event because the charismatic movement has done devastating damage in Africa and he wanted an insider’s…

  • Intentional Parenting

    As you know by now, I am one of the co-founders of Cruciform Press, a publishing company that is seeking to give Christian publishing a bit of a “reboot.” Each month, on the first day of the month, we release a new book. And this month’s book is a good one. It is written by…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Defining Discernment

    Through the months I’ve spent writing my book on spiritual discernment, I have wrestled with various definitions of the word. While several definitions have been offered by other authors, none struck me as being quite right or quite complete. I have offered a definition on this site and was glad to receive some good feedback…