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Explore John 14:23

  • Orphan Care and the Great Commission

    This week the blog is sponsored by Moody Publishers and this post is written by Todd Chipman from his book Until Every Child is Home: Why The Church Can and Must Care for Orphans. I wrote Until Every Child Is Home because I have seen that God’s instruction for His people to care for orphans…

  • Resolved Conference (IX)

    Rick Holland kicked off the final session by introducing John Piper as a man who has emphasized church history and a teacher who stands between two worlds, the historical world and our contemporary world. The Resolved organizers asked him to provide a historical address based on a figure from church history. And, of course, Jonathan…

  • A House or a Home?

    As you may know, Aileen and I just bought our first house. While we found the house quite quickly (as these things go), we first toured several towns and walked through fifteen or twenty houses looking for just the right one. As we toured house after house it quickly became apparent which homeowners had invested…