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Explore John 12:32

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Gender Accuracy in Bible Translation

    by E. Ray Clendenen In the 1970s many feminists saw androcentric language—the abundant use of man, he, him, and his for groups or individuals of both genders—as one of the influences keeping alive the subordination and even demeaning of women in society. Consequently, many organizations, including publishers and teacher associations, were quick to publicize their…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    An Introduction To Calvinism & Arminianism (Part 3)

    This is part three of our series studying the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism. Please note that this is only a brief overview of a vast topic. A thorough discussion of this topic can (and often has) filled many books. At the conclusion of the series I will provide a list of helpful resources should…