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Explore Jeremiah 31:33

  • To Know the Blessed God

    This week the blog is sponsored by Heritage College & Seminary and the post is written by Dr. Stephen Yuille, Vice President of Academics and Academic Dean of the College. It’s my joy and privilege to serve at Heritage College & Seminary in Canada. In my role, I get asked lots of questions—inside and outside…

  • A Prayer About Heart Guarding

    For some time now pastor Scotty Smith has been posting prayers at his blog. This one, in particular, caught my attention as a prayer that could come from the heart of any believer. Heavenly Father, how I long for the Day when I will no longer be tempt-able, deceive-able, or even capable of worshipping any…

  • A Quote

    I’d like to get some thoughts on the following quote, pulled ruthlessly and free from all context from John Eldredge’s book Wild at Heart. Too many Christians today are living back in the old covenant. They’ve had Jeremiah 17:9 drilled into them and they walk around believing my heart is deceitfully wicked. Not anymore it’s…