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Explore James 3:1

  • Weekend A La Carte (January 18)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some newer books and some older ones; there are some good picks! Westminster Books has a sale on R.C. Sproul’s excellent commentary on the Westminster Confession (which has been newly reprinted). You may also be interested in the ESV Creeds & Confessions Bible. (Yesterday on the blog: The Gospel According to…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Teachers, Watchmen, Gatekeepers

    Earlier this year I was asked to prepare a talk on families and technology. I was to speak to a group of adults, mostly parents of teenagers, and address issues related to digital technology. I was pleased with the challenge and was reasonably happy with the final result. As I prepared that talk I began…

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    Blogging – Wrapping It Up

    This is the fourth and final entry in a series dealing with blogging and the wider societal trends that have contributed to the rise of blogs. This first article is here, the second here and the third here. I am sure that some people reading this series are interested in beginning a blog of their…