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Explore Isaiah 58:13

  • Weekend A La Carte (December 3)

    Those who check out the daily Kindle deals may be interested to see that I changed up for the format. I hope this format proves more effective for skimming over the deals. Unfortunately it still cannot display pricing, though I’m working on it. The Best Day of the Week This is a good one: ”…

  • Delight in the Lord’s Day

    Today is the Lord’s Day and I thought I’d pass along some advice pertaining to the day. It comes courtesy of Donald Whitney. His book Simplify Your Spiritual Life offers a long series of short chapters, each offering wisdom on a specific part of the Christian’s walk with the Lord. And here he offers some…

  • Delighting In The Lord’s Day

    Last Sunday I quoted extensively from Don Whitney’s book Simplify Your Spiritual Life in which he writes about Three Views of Sunday. Today I will move on to Delighting in the Lord’s Day. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the biblical term Sabbath? Many people, including those familiar with the…