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Explore Hebrews 5:12

  • What Is the Bible, Anyway?

    We Christians spend a lot of time reading the Bible, hearing it preached, and meditating on its words. Why this commitment? We are committed to the Bible because of what it is and what it does. The Bible guides us to its purpose and power through the many metaphors it uses to describe itself. Here…

  • False Teachers and Deadly Doctrines

    False Teachers and Deadly Doctrines

    For the past few years, lists of Christian bestsellers have been topped by a book claiming fresh revelation from Jesus Christ. Before that, they were overrun by books describing people’s purported visits to heaven. And before the heaven tourism fad, there was the best-selling novel that reframed the doctrine of the Trinity. Meanwhile, the largest…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    But Then I Read A Book…

    A few days ago, browsing through a magazine, I read an article that described the importance of brand loyalty to corporations. Many companies are trying to influence children and teenagers towards their products, hoping they can make customers for life. Looking back at my years in university and high school I can see that this…