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Explore Hebrews 4:12

  • Honesty

    Why You Should Just Be Honest With God

    It is no great feat to convince another person of a lie. Because other people cannot see our inner selves, they are easily deceived. But as we pray to God, we pray to one who knows our innermost thoughts, our innermost desires, our innermost longings. We pray to one who knows us far better than…

  • A Book Unlike Any Other

    A Book Unlike Any Other

    The Bible may be a book, but it is a book unlike any other. The Bible is inspired—breathed out by God and in that way perfectly reflects the mind and will of God. The Bible is also complete, sufficient, inerrant, and infallible. Because the Bible is all these things and so many more, it is…

  • Catechisms: A Map to the Christian Faith

    Catechisms: A Map to the Christian Faith

    This week, the blog is sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books’ new devotional on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Glorifying and Enjoying God (written by William Boekestein, Jonathan L. Cruse, and Andrew J. Miller). Enjoy this brief article explaining the history and benefits of studying this precious document. Glorifying and Enjoying God is intended not only to increase knowledge but to…

  • Knowing Theology Based on the Bible Is Important for Your Faith

    This week the blog is sponsored by Zondervan Academic, and is adapted from the preface to Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem. Knowing and understanding basic Christian beliefs is important for every Christian. People who don’t know what the Bible teaches will have no ability to distinguish truth from error, and they will be like “children,…

  • Scripture and Prophecy

    What Does Prophecy Offer that Scripture Does Not?

    It is proving to be an interesting year when it comes to sorting out a possible confluence between Reformed theology and charismatic practice. Over the past few years, as more and more people have embraced the principles of Reformed theology, many have also accepted that the ongoing miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit remain operative…

  • Maintain Your Vigilance

    Maintain Your Vigilance

    We all love to watch the occasional fail video, don’t we? What started years ago on primetime television has migrated to YouTube and become one of our beloved pastimes. Some of my favorites are “finish line fails,” compilations of athletes celebrating just a bit too soon. In one of these finish line fails, an Olympic…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Does God Talk to Us? A Post by Michael Horton.

    This sponsored post was prepared by Michael Horton, author of over thirty books, including the just-released Core Christianity. White Horse Inn, where he teaches and serves as the editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine, has recently announced many new free resources for churches in their Campaign for Core Christianity. Does God talk to us? Lots of…

  • God Actually Spoke To Me

    I want to hear God’s voice. I want him to speak to me in a personal way. I want to know that it’s really and truly him. Is that too much to ask? It’s not too much to ask. In fact, it is God’s joy to communicate to each one of his children in the…

  • The False Teachers: Marcus Borg

    A few months ago I set out on a new series of articles through which I am scanning the history of the church—from its earliest days all the way to the present time—to examine some of Christianity’s most notorious false teachers. Along the way we have visited such figures as Arius, Pelagius, Joseph Smith, and…

  • John MacArthur Answers His Critics

    John MacArthur’s Strange Fire conference has come and gone and the book will be shipping next week. Whatever you felt about the conference, there is little doubt that a lot of work and a lot of discussion remain as we, the church, consider the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the aftermath of the…

  • Strange Fire Conference: Scripture Alone

    The final session on day two of the Strange Fire conference was led by Steven Lawson who spoke on “The Puritan Commitment to Sola Scriptura.” This was another historical message meant to demonstrate how our forebears were committed to the doctrine of Scripture alone. Tonight the focus of our study will be another historical theology…

  • New Attitude (VI)

    Whenver I blog these conferences, people want to know what books have been recommended. Before each session we’ve had a couple of books recommended to us. Here is the list thus far: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. PackerQuestioning Evangelism by Randy NewmanDoing Things Right in Matters of the Heart by John EnsorThe…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    ChurchMerch – The Bible Experience

    The Bible Experience is a unique product. Featuring a unique cast, it offers what is surely a unique recording of the Bible. Hear the words of the Bible brought to life like never before. Inspired By…The Bible Experience: New Testament Audio CD is a fully-dramatized reading of the Bible performed by an unprecedented ensemble of…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Make The Bible Come Alive

    Every now and then I take my van to WalMart for an oil change. I generally try to make these appointments for as early in the morning as possible, for early in the morning, I very nearly have the place to myself. A little while ago I brought the car in and then spent the…

  • Seminar 3 – Phil Johnson – The Fad Driven Church

    This seminar deals with the tendency of so many churches today to be driven by fads and pre-packaged programs to influence the agenda of the church. Phil will attempt to show why this is a really bad strategy. There are many pastors and leaders who feel that, to be convincing to their audience, they need…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Bring The Bible To Life!

    This morning I spent an hour wandering the aisles of WalMart while I had the oil changed in my van. Here’s a shopping tip for you: you can beat the back-to-school craziness by shopping at Wal Mart at 8 AM on a Saturday morning. I very nearly had the place to myself! As I wandered…