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Explore Hebrews 10:19–22

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    The Plate

    By Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. You could see the panic rising in his eyes. As the collection plate moved ever closer to him, indecision tightened its grip on his heart. In his hand was a wad of cash, and, as he ruffled through the various bills, one could almost hear the question that echoed in…

  • WorshipGod06 – Fifth Session

    This evening’s session, the fifth general session of the conference, was primarily a time of singing and worship. I have attempted to capture an account of the evening’s events that those who have never attended a Sovereign Grace event may be able to understand how they worship. The evening began with “Come Now Almighty King”…

  • WorshipGod06 – Second Session

    We awoke this morning to hear about the terror plot that was foiled in England. While we are grateful that no harm was caused and no damage was done, we quickly realized that it may make getting home more of a chore. We’re expecting long lines through security. And I guess my hair gel and…